Title: ocean base
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/oceanbas.zip
Size: 48.57 KB
Date: 08/02/96
Description: a single player/cooperative level with deathmatch starts It is set on a deserted (by normal humans) island out in the middle of nowhere. On this island is two storage facilities, one large military base, a cave with molten lava on the floor and a couple of rock formations nearby. as you have probably already guessed, the island was over run by hellspawn, all of it's former occupants murdered. It is your job to capture back the base and escape through the emergency teleporter within the base.
Base: , a cave with molten lava on the floor and a couple of rock formations nearby. as you have probably already guessed, the island was over run by hellspawn, all of it's former occupants murdered. It is your job to capture back the base and escape through the emergency teleporter within the base.
Build time: 4 days off and on
Editor(s) used: Waded v1.83 and Zennode for, you guessed it, the nodes!
Bugs: none
Rating: (3 votes)
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cool mapx
A decent old level, marred by being too short. You can run through it in a few minutes, provided you go the right way at the start. If you go the other way there's a secret that involves running through a long lava tunnel, but it's not worth it. The level is fun for a very short while but nothing spectacular.x

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