Title: OE4951.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/oe4951.zip
Size: 127.21 KB
Date: 12/04/96
Author: Master T
Description: A considerable period of my life was spent in a house by the name of OE4951. Thus is this the DOOM][ transcription of some of the characteristics of the place. Lots of hours are put into this one, lots of beer & whisky put in me during. At last, after maybe a couple of hundreds of hours fighting ill textures, the output is this (to my opinion stil inadequate) huge WAD containing fantasy bits as well as the naked truth considering the lay-out of OE4951. Most textures are the mere artistic feeling, the sector arangements, however, are the result of painstaking labour involving a little metric device and a calculator. The result places you a bit in viewpoint of a child (the transcendation of my childhood maybe?) for otherwise all windows tables and kitchensinks would turn out climbable.
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Editor(s) used: DCK22
Rating: (6 votes)
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a cool WTF map from '96x
Ridiculous attention to detail later on, which is commendable, but other than that it's horrible. 1/5x
Well this is a rough gem. About the 3 reviews above: The textfile says "There is a possibility of killing a cyberdemon bare handed". So there are OTHER OPTIONS! Look around in the starting room, hm there's a gap between the barrels...(still tricky for me,40% success rate). There are bugs too. Example:When you hear the 2nd cyberdemon look at your map, normally you should be teleported from there. Lot's of switches,fights in cramped areas (challenge could be better) . Not the usual design. 4/5 coldfusiox
The textfile alone is very, very disturbing and gave me nightmares.x
OK first there's a frustrating barrel puzzle, where you have to move a barrel by punching it just enough so you can open a door behind it. If you succeed you'll find an alcova with a Cyberdemon which wiggles its tan ass in your face, and you'll have to pass the next 5 minutes fisting its tan ass to get into the alcova. Then you can safely set off the barrels and escape to see the rest of the level: UTTER SHIT IT'S FUCKING HORRIBLE 0/5 -MAESx
retardid, you start in a bunch of barals and ya just get blown up, x

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