Title: One man army
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/oman.zip
Size: 198.17 KB
Date: 11/20/98
Author: stian skjondal
Description: a five-level mission, varied design, designed with single player in mind, but modified later for deathmach play, with choke points in each level
Base: from scratch
Build time: about a day on each level
Editor(s) used: Deep97, Wintex
Bugs: haven't seen one
Rating: (6 votes)
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these are good basic funx
Great little maps. If you liked Demonfear, then you're bound to like these.x
These are 5 small maps with a nice gameplay, not too hard though. The maps aren't too complex but they're done quite well and they don't even look too old-schoolish or ninteennintyfivesque at all. A real jewel from the rudiments of Doom editing! 4/5 -Milianx
Not bad. Decent action.x
He's a one man army! NOWHERE to run! NOWHERE to hide! And NO WAY OUT! The adventure begins THIS SUMMER! In a land beyond your imagination... a time of heroes! And so on. I cannot believe that there is a level called "One Man Army" and that it hasn't been reviewed yet. It's actually very, very good. The levels are short and sweet - like a baby's bum - and there's no shortage of action. Simple puzzles, clean detail, an overlooked mini-classic.x

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