Title: House of Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/ourhouse.zip
Size: 177.06 KB
Date: 01/08/97
Author: Jason Troutman
Description: A wad of my house. I tried to get all the details right, and I'm pretty proud of it. I even put the street, driveway, front garden, barn, all the furniture, and even the 200 gallon aquarium in the basement. Here's a little story if you want one.... The demons are back on earth. They come to your house and throw you around, kill your family, and basically just piss you off. The terds lock up the basement and scatter the keys around the house and yard. You want in the basement to get your BFG to blow their friggin' heads off. First you've got to find the keys, though. A small hint - you can go through the kitchen window, if necessary... Go, obe-wan. Kick their asses. Get your gun and get out. Have fun.
Credits: The makers of WadAuthor and Id Software, of course
Base: ment and scatter the keys around the house and yard. You want in the basement to get your BFG to blow their friggin' heads off. First you've got to find the keys, though. A small hint - you can go through the kitchen window, if necessary... Go, obe-wan. Kick their asses. Get your gun and get out. Have fun.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor, Wintex
Bugs: For a while I got a few visplane_overflows, but I cleared that up.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Another WAD from my childhood. Not as good as I remember, but I always found it fascinating to see real-life stuff in Doom. So, for that, 4 stars.x
Getsu Fune
surprisingly good. the revenants can't be killed though (looks like they're used for sound effects and stuff, and there's other things that don't seem right also). overall, not bad.x
not complex like most other house maps coz its Single story house but elements like many doors,some unmarked secret areas and nice mechanics are there.with simplistic progression fights are are mildly challenging..x
I liked it - COOL - 3 unkillable monstersx
Generally I enjoy these "map of my house" wads, but this one is just OK.x

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