Title: Outbreak
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/outbreak.zip
Size: 45.4 KB
Date: 12/28/10
Author: Wraith
Description: A doom2 map, wich is divided in two parts, the first one, is like futurstic with metallic textures, and the last one is like urban style. The map is quite difficult, although it wouldn't seem at the beggining.
Credits: Id Software, and people who still plays doom.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: I don't remember
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Bugs: textures desalignements
Rating: (12 votes)
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A bit simple but enjoyable enough, only one thing why do you disable the map? It's not a fuckin rpg, it's doom. I am not used to this situation. 3.5/5 - Optimusx
Well, not bad, boring layout, some fun but nothing more. It's better than put shitload of monsters but not enough of health. In this one, ammo is not enough in yellow key area unless you go exit and get shitload of rockets and rocket launcher...: 2.5/5 -playerlinx
Not bad, but Wraith seems to have a thing about disabling whole sections of the automap in his levels that he kind of needs to stop. 3/5x
I would have rated it higher had the automap been used normally. **x
Average sums it up. There's little finesse either in the design or gameplay. But it's competently put together, and OK if you just want to blast some monsters.x
Its simplistic but enjoyable 3.5/5 ~Joe Anderosnx

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