Title: Paradise 4, The Return To Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/pardise4.zip
Size: 114.37 KB
Date: 05/12/06
Author: Mike Murphy aka (Arch-Vile)
Description: After the mayhem that I was just put through, I could no longer stay in that cell I called a home. All the blood shead, the nightmares still haunted me. I decided to move on and start a life elsewhere. I thought, I could take on just about anything. Suddenly I blacked out. When I awoke I found the back of my head to be bleeding. Someone had knocked me unconciuos. It seems as though I had been left for dead. A trail of blood was in front of me. If I was going to find out just who brought me here, I would have to follow the trail of blood. For the trial of blood would be my only way out.
Base: Made from scratch
Build time: 30 Hours
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2, NWT
Bugs: None. It is Perfect.
Rating: (10 votes)
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nice puzzle map with some awesome battles x
Meh. 3. I like overly long switch hunts as much as the next guy. ~That guy over therex
This is dated January 2006. It's an old-fashioned, 1996-style concrete techbase / dungeon that's entertaining and surprisingly tricky, with a lot of hitscan ambushes; 262 baddies are packed into a fairly small space. You tend to retrace your steps a lot, and the second section in particular feels very drawn-out and started to irritate me. The bit leading to and including the final battle (which you can run past) is particularly obtuse.x
I liked it - holy switch huntx
Good gameplay but VERY switch-hunt/backtrac k oriented.3.5[4]/5x
A large and intricate map. From the tricky start to the hectic finish, I found the gameplay to be very well balanced throughout, especially with respect to health and ammo for the higher weapons. At a few points the progression isn't so obvious, but there is generally some sort of visual clue. Design themes are varied (tech, crate, base, passages), and they struck me as generally convincing.x
The gameplay is awful.x

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