Title: D.S.S. "Phoenix" (a.k.a. 'Doomzaak')
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/phoenix3.zip
Size: 845.18 KB
Date: 11/06/00
Author: R.L.L. Timmermans
Description: This wadfile is situated at the Delft Student Corps fraternity building D.S.S. "Phoenix". This means EVERYTHING you see exists for real (including the violence)! All Doom graphics have been changed into student fraternity related graphics, like bottles of wine and barrels of beer ('Pils' in Dutch). Your enemies wear correct clothing and have colourful clubties (press F1 to see them together, and their names in Dutch).
(I used a few graphics from other games: 4 or 5 wall patches from trinity.wad, the chicken enemy was imported (not overly successful) from Heretic, and the new Heavy Weapons Dude still looks a lot like the... Heavy Weapons Dude).
D.S.S. "Phoenix" exists of three levels: a ground floor with the 'conversation halls', kitchen, dining hall and some smaller rooms; first floor with fraternity Senate and Phoenix Commissaries rooms, library, rooftop terrace; and cellar with lots of service rooms, carpenter workshop, heating systems, wine cellar, fraternity administration and the disco 'Lorre'.
This wadfile has been constructed to look as realistic as possible and was meant only for fraternity members, even if they didn't like computer games (be happy I changed my mind and uploaded it to the internet). This means it is not very difficult to complete the game, only difficulty settings 4 and 5 are tough. Also, very few special Doom features like moving floors have been implemented. You won't miss them, though, there is enough to see. (You really MUST see what I did to the 'Fist' weapon!)
Build time: Six months fulltime
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.21 gcc, Deu 5.21 (Doom ][ version), Dmgraph, DeuSF, ADE2, NWT, idbsp, deutex, dmadds11, lmp2wad, TED (but ENDOOM message has been removed for the internet version) Graphics modified using Corel!Photo-Paint
Rating: (12 votes)
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5/5 for the new graphics, 2.5/5 for the maps, overall its a 4/5x
Awesome idea with cool gfx of bar dudes and cigarrete punch. Hahhahahaa! Though a little bit cramped.. 4/5 - Optimusx
For being done by a single guy back in 1994-1995 this is really ambitous and well made. A shame he never replaced the sound effect for the characters or made more levels.x
very good work and fun to play 4.5/5x
Great frat/sorority house level. First played this back in 1998, and it's stuck with me scince. 5 stars.x
Wow, that was cool. The maps were a bit cramped and a little confusing, but it was really fun. The custom graphics were really good, but the sounds were the same, so it was funny (like shooting a woman and as she dies, you hear a robotic explosion). I also liked how the chaingunners had ties :D These were fun levels. Great work :)x

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