Title: Face the Pit.
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/pit3.zip
Size: 96.82 KB
Date: 09/08/96
Author: Brian Dean
Description: Two fairly large levels (2 and 3), with some interesting areas and a few tricky parts. Level 1 was originally seperate and doesn't fit with the other two, but I included it anyway just to get rid of it. It's not really that good, so you can skip it if you like, but it's pretty easy and starting with weapons makes the others easier.

Designed for single player, but it has multiplayer starts and might make for good deathmatch play with a few modifications.
Credits: Whoever wants some.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A week or two. (or three or four?)
Editor(s) used: Waded v1.83B, RMB 1.0
Bugs: No
Rating: (2 votes)
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Hey, these maps aren't so bad. And map03 allows a cool void glide wraparound route to the exit (first and so only map for which that has been shown to be feasible). So it's legendary, albeit for unintended reasons.x

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