Title: Prison Break version 1.0
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/prison10.zip
Size: 101.2 KB
Date: 06/10/95
Author: P.Hildebrandt aka Popeye
Description: Designed completely from scratch. The scenario goes like this. The remianing baddies from your successful Mars/Earth rampage were rounded up and thrown into a maximum security prison for genetic study. As time went on and people began to forget the whole incident security became more and more relax at the prison. After a short fight the hell spawn creatures took over the prison and once again opened the portal to hell to allow more of their brethen to enter this dimension. You must penatrate the fortress and destroy the portal by activating the self-destruct mechanism. Hey nobody said demons were smart.
Credits: The guys at id for an addictive game. All you map editor, reject map builder, WAD manipulator, etc. authors that devote so much time to this excellent game. :)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2, DMAUD, IDBSP 1.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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There's a big bug in this map. If you fall on the damage floor in the right of the map you can get out of the map easily. Pretty bad to have those chaingunners at the distance, shooting you, without having a shotgun at least to defend from them.x
Awesome, absolutley amazing! It must have taken days to make this. I should know I made it. ;) Man has this been a trip back in time.x
Poor early castle level. Relies too much on hidden or unmarked switches; and lay off the chaingunners.x

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