Title: Quadrant Four
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/quadfour.zip
Size: 62.36 KB
Date: 10/24/05
Author: Rory Kostman
Description: Four distinct areas linked in the middle by a common room. each area is fairly different in appearance and feel. There are High Tech, Low tech, Lava/Blood, and outdoor/telefrag caves.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.0
Bugs: Didnt align many of the textures, but used ones that look good no other bugs. I would use a 486/dx2 or better, especially in the telefrag caves. There are a lot of trans. line defs there.
Rating: (9 votes)
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A fun hub with good difficulty near the beginning (afterwards you get too many powerups). The looks are slightly below average I guess but at least they are never offensive and also they improve a bit as you progress. It ends with a no-hint switchunting sequence all over the level, quite ridiculous!x
Bon tableau que j'ai fini par avoir a Fast monster UV - 3/5 - Eye'sx
This map is very unbalanced, gameplay-wise. In some areas you'll find hardly any monsters, while in others it's ok, though the challenge is never overly hard. The ambience is very bare and there are almost no details. Plus, the layout is very confusing. You'll have to press many switches and can only guess what's happened if you have a look onto the automap. Overall, it's a quite boring map. 1.5/5 -Milianx
Great action throughout. Needs thinking and daring in equal measures.x

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