Title: quikisgd.WAD (quick is good)
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/quikisgd.zip
Size: 30.71 KB
Date: 07/12/96
Author: Malcolm Sailor
Description: Quick is good. Advertising seems to have told us that. This is a very good level. Not all that quick but damn good. If you're looking for a level to download, download this. In the top 0.1% of levels out there.

I know I'm not being paticurly modest but if I was nobody would download this.

You are somewhere where you don't know where is. You are surrounded by maniacal idiots who have begun nibbling on your shoulder. You know there is a chapel somewhere outside which has a teleport to your house, and you want to find it.

You blast some Revenants and Hell Knights and Arch- Viles into oblivion and jump in. There, that wasn't _SO_ hard.
Credits: Canada, Myself, iD, and the makers of dck. Without it, I would still be trying to close a sector in deu.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: I would guess 8-10 hours. Not all that long a level
Editor(s) used: Dck 3.4, by far the very best editor. Try it, it kicks deus ass. Read the docs.
Bugs: nah!
Rating: (6 votes)
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Access to secret rewards nothing collectible but kills troubling Av for you,its a pleasant and unique idea imo...a nicely detailed solid oldschool map...x
0_o 1996? Very nice indeed. 4 stars. - Obsidianx
Small map with some attention to detail and lighting, good cramped fights, and a neat trap or two. A cleverly designed secret allows you to kill an Arch-Vile which could otherwise teleport and revive monsters. You can definitely see traces of the same ideas that made Malcolm's CHORD series so good. To get to the blue key, shoot at the green torch next to the Baron. Recommended. --3/5x
OK, I'm an idiot. How do you get the blue key after you kill the baron guarding it?x
Man has some skills, great level, archville whooped me when I least expected him.x

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