Title: Recession 2: Underneath
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rec002.zip
Size: 32.61 KB
Date: 03/18/99
Author: Joe Becht AKA RecidivuS
Credits: id Software, for a kickass game. The casts of #doom2 and #doomroom. The following extremely helpful folks: Matt Denham, Eric Roberts, Mike Watson, and Denton Woods. The awesome Cosmic Chaos. And last but not least, DrCrypt and [cocoon], for if it weren't for their wisdom and patience, this level would have made it into the Mockery TC. ;)
Base: New level from scratch... no SLIGE here!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: The glorious and versatile WadED.
Bugs: None as of now... E-Mail me!
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is from March 1999 but feels much older, as if it was written in early 1995 and set aside for several years. The layout, gameplay, detail etc are pure 1995. It's not *bad*, in the sense that it didn't make me angry, but it has nothing to offer over actual 1995 levels, and the readme isn't as charming, e.g. there are no mentions of OJ Simpson, Deep Space Nine, Pulp Fiction etc.x
feels like his primary aim here was just to finish a map. *** -sargebaldyx

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