Title: The Refinery
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/refinery2.zip
Size: 33.51 KB
Date: 07/04/21
Author: Matt Bollier
Description: Nothing new in the premise, but the architecture is great. You start off surrounded by tall pillars and vats of radioactive waste and in the center of the floor is a tower which controls the lighting of the refinery. Stairs lead up to a walkway which surrounds the main area. From the stairs you can take a door outside, go into a room full of boxes, or into a room where there are many many pillars with great lighting effects. In this room, the lighting is controlled from another location. Here's a tip, get the rocket launcher first and then turn the lights off so the other people have a hard time trying to get it in the dark.
Credits: ID, Ben Morris, Colin Reed, Bill Neisius
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A few days
Editor(s) used: DCK v2.2, DMGRAPH v1.1
Bugs: None, although in an earlier version you could be seen in the darkness in a certain area by the boxes but this should be fixed.
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