Title: Restinpc.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/restinpc.zip
Size: 67.19 KB
Date: 07/26/98
Author: Robert Larkin
Description: Have you made plans with your undertaker yet?
Credits: Nobody, I did it all.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deth267, Zennode
Bugs: None, I wouldn't release a level unless it was perfect.
Rating: (9 votes)
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This is dated December 1997. It's Map02 and it's painfully sub-average. 194 baddies in a level that would have seemed old-fashioned in 1997; starts as a dungeon, then there's a kind of slime island with a cyberdemon who you can hide from and shoot in the face; then a dull volcano and finally a useless end battle (turn right) that just involves blasting along a ledge until you get the end. It has pace, traps etc, it's just not very good.x
Any particular reason for it being map02? muppet!x

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