Title: Demon Rituals
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/ritual.zip
Size: 46.53 KB
Date: 04/21/97
Author: Derek Illchuk
Description: This level is designed to be played by one player only. This level is relatively difficult if you aren't a chicken and go with one of the top two difficulty levels. I put more effort in designing this level with the top two difficulty settings; any lower and this should be no prob. This level is loaded with enemies and cool settings. I used a lot of trip wires and many ambushes from both sides. I've given the observant Doomer a lot of hints. You may have thought you cleared out an area but you were wrong, buddy. Ammo shouldn't be a real problem; I mean, you have bigger problems than stinkin' ammo! There is also vending machine where the cost is getting that far! A real handsome level.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 25 hours or so including playtesting.
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor (Great!)
Bugs: At one point there is a wall where enemies on the other side can shoot you even though the wall looks solid enough to you. I had to do this because before, when I looked through this wall, Doom II crashed because there were "no visplanes", whatever this means. Also in a few rooms the Doortrak texture bleeds through the floor. Nothing serious.
Rating: (3 votes)
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