Title: River City
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/river3.zip
Size: 99.99 KB
Date: 03/14/06
Author: Louigi Verona
Description: River City is full of monsters. The heart of the city is the fortress which you have to capture. Lots of problems getting the keys, especially the red one. Be sure to explore the level - you can actually get to every place you see.
Credits: Basil and guys at Doom Power for beta testing, Ola Bjorling for inspiration
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a couple of weeks, I think
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: HOM error in some places due to many open areas where the player can see lots of two-sided walls. This possibly is the limit of the Doom2 engine, since it doesn't appear in Doom ports.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Nice map 4/5x
Good level with nice ideas. The secrets are quite logical to find, I like this. There is some searching around to progress that I am not particularly fond of, but it's not that bad like the other WADs and sometimes it's clever. The bazooka secret took me a while (I hate pressing a button and running to press the next button in puzzles where you have to do it optimally fast or else you miss it, oh and then I missed the bazooka pillar too :P) 4/5 - Optimusx
Really good looking, fun level. It's a nice little romp with the shotgun; not too hard, fun a good time.x
Despite the author's claims, the gameplay is quite easy, but not dull. Imps, demons, and sergeants, and a couple of Doom 2 monsters can be dispatched with minimal damage. The level hides both the SSG and rocket launcher in secrets towards the end of the level, so there is a lot of emphasis on single shotgun combat. The basic architecture is good and detail is adequate, but texture alignment is poor. Worth your time. 4/5 --Wooliex
Looks good. Fun to play.x

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