Title: The Road Runner Castle
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rrcastle.zip
Size: 48.85 KB
Date: 05/03/05
Author: Jeff Phillips
Description: Awesome castle with a real outside feeling at the beginning.
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (5 votes)
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all those muthafuggan zombies at the start of the map, gat dang. took me a few tries to clear the outside area just to open the front gate and have more zombies waiting inside. the inside of the castle is cramped and dull sadly.x
I guess it's okay at skill 1... due to the lack of health items and difficulty setting placement. **x
I liked itx
This is from 1995. It's a castle map. With a "real outside feeling at the beginning", which is nonsense. The zip has an advert for "the largest DOOM Support board in Oklahoma". There were lots of castle maps in 1994/95 and this is worse than most; it's very cramped, and you start the level facing a mass of chaingunners (half the monsters are perched around the moat). There's a teleport that that puts you amongst shotgunners; the only health is secret. Poor.x

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