Title: RTH3.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rth3.zip
Size: 107.33 KB
Date: 02/22/98
Author: Harq
Description: A larger level than the previous RTH wads. Your visit to corporate headquarters includes, touring the warehouse, eating with the spawn in the park, praying in the chapel, and taking a swim in the corporate pool. And lets not forget the graveyard, and the arena, among some of your side trips.
Credits: To YOU. For making it through this sucker without using the cheat codes.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A week total, I would say.
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62
Bugs: Shee-it.
Rating: (3 votes)
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it was funx
This is dated September 1997. It's okay. You fight 233 baddies in a corporate techbase that turns into a dungeon and then into a small cloud cuckoo arena and then back into a dungeon again. The action's mellow but it's steady, and you get lots of the heavier munitions, so it's more a kind of fun blast than a nailbiting seat-edger. Nice multi-layer door to the ending battle although the battle itself is a let-down (the giant spawn shooter does nothing).x

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