Title: Running Scared
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/runaway.zip
Size: 33.82 KB
Date: 12/31/98
Author: Cyberdemon (Mike Watson)
Description: An elite little map with no ammo or weapons. To beat it you have to use your fists and all that. Don't worry, it's not too hard(even on UV)and there's enough health to keep you alive as long as you don't make any dumb mistakes. And even if you do die, you can look at all the pretty lighting.
Credits: id Software for Doom and all that, aurican for giving me the name of the map(Running Scared, not runaway.wad). myst for making me put in some Ola-QRAD lighting(all you Q2 editors know what I'm talking about).
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Eh, four hours(give or take)
Editor(s) used: WadED, Warm and RMB
Bugs: NONE! HA!! I dare you to find any!
Rating: (3 votes)
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Good, fast berserk only map 4/5x
Short, but entertaining, feels like hooligan's riot after football match. And the lighting is pretty, indeed. 4/5 -- Brun Ohnx

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