Title: Satan's Workshop v1.3f
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/satanv13.zip
Size: 77.92 KB
Date: 05/16/97
Author: Brian English aka "Captain Camshaft"
Description: (See below)
Credits: The crew at id, natch... Jeff Naab (for playtest & fragbait chores :) ) Hank Leukart for "The DOOM Hacker's Guide" and the DOOM FAQ, or course... Matt Fell for the DOOM Specs Antony Burden for DETH
Base: Modified v1.2 (STNSWRKS.WAD)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD v5.1, IDBSP v1.1 beta (V1.1) Updated with DETH v3.90, v3.92 and ZenNode v0.98a
Bugs: None.
Rating: (5 votes)
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fun '97 map, don't miss the light switch in the dark roomx
In this version, I'd set the offset on that panel switch to try to make it stand out more. I agree the yellow key strategy was a bit convoluted. I was aiming for more challenge than just a pile of monsters. I did warn people in the spoilers about the yellow key. I was hoping that people would notice that one of the computer alcoves in that lab was empty and used the same floor texture as the space behind the yellow key. :) Brian English, 2/7/08x
In fact there isn't a bug that can trap you in the exit room. And it's not the exit room. The procedure for getting the yellow key is the level's biggest failing; you have to flick an unmarked and unexceptional computer panel, and then turn around to see a silent door. And once you grab the yellow key, if you step forward slightly you are transported to inescapable death. The whole rigmarole lets the level down, and I dock a point because of it.x
This is a solid map, although it feels older than 1997. In fact it feels like a good Doom 1 map from 1995. It has a dark crate maze, lots of Doom 1 textures, and the gameplay is mellow. You will not run out of health or ammo. Apart from the dark crate maze (albeit that there's a hidden light switch) the level is very likeable in and old-fashioned way. If it was released tomorrow as a retro level it would attract good reviews. There's a bug that can trap you in the exit room, though.x
good level not to bat monster placemint but a little to dark it was good for its time 4/5x

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