Title: Savior
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/savior.zip
Size: 11.57 KB
Date: 02/03/16
Author: Zack aka.DeF1LeR
Description: In the middle of a beatiful day,Earth has been invaded by unknown demon forces.Earthlings were no match for their superior power, so they dominated whole Earth in a few moments.Yet you decided not to give up and decided to travel to Hell to destroy the portal that they're using.But the journey wont be easy;first you must complete all 3 circles of Hell.
Credits: Jack aka.Jacky003 for testing this map!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1h
Editor(s) used: SLADE
Bugs: none for now;if you see any send me an email!
Rating: (12 votes)
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Door to south-west room is broken in vanilla.x
Beginner map.x
walter confalonieri

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