Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/self-ep.zip
Size: 279.42 KB
Date: 04/08/01
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: Selfish 1-3 combined into a mini-episode for Doom 2. I originally released these levels as Selfish1.wad, Selfish2.wad and Selfish3.wad but decided to merge them into a mini-episode with music replacements.
Base: New levels from scratch Build Time Ages! Editor(s) used Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None If you get VPO errors, please use a source port such as ZDOOM for example.
Build time: Ages! Editor(s) used Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None If you get VPO errors, please use a source port such as ZDOOM for example.
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None If you get VPO errors, please use a source port such as ZDOOM for example.
Bugs: None If you get VPO errors, please use a source port such as ZDOOM for example.
Rating: (14 votes)
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