Title: Fortress of the Seven
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/seven.zip
Size: 682.66 KB
Date: 10/29/03
Author: Sonny Wasinger ( CONDUCTOR)
Description: In the tradition of The Keep! Levels, this level has an ending that should make you sweat. Many new sounds and music. New sky. Even a new status bar.

Additional Credits The geniuses at ID; the creator of Edmap, Jeff Rabenhorst; the various creators of the sounds, graphics and music; my wife, for putting up with my addiction to making Doom2 levels; and last, but definitely not least, my extremely thorough tester, who makes me try even harder: Mancube@aol.com.
Credits: The geniuses at ID; the creator of Edmap, Jeff Rabenhorst; the various creators of the sounds, graphics and music; my wife, for putting up with my addiction to making Doom2 levels; and last, but definitely not least, my extremely thorough tester, who makes me try even harder: Mancube@aol.com.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: EdMap 1.31 and Wintex
Bugs: No Known Bugs...tested by Mancube.
Rating: (11 votes)
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Awesome. More fun if you get the ssg teleport in the cyber crusher room near the start, otherwise you don't get ssg until later.x
Don't be put on by the above review. The sound replacements are dreadful, and the timing puzzles ram cactus dildoes in your ass.x
Don't be put off by the above review. The sound replacements are fine, and the timing puzzles aren't a problem really.x
This is from December 1995. It starts off terribly; there's an awful sound replacement wad that's offensively bad, and the second room has an anally precise switch timing puzzle that's more Tomb Raider than Doom 2. In fact it annoyed me so much that I stopped playing. Good riddance.x
A large and very difficult map. Recommended if you have a couple of hours to spare and don't mind dying a lot.x

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