Title: The Sewers
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sewer2.zip
Size: 113.52 KB
Date: 12/19/04
Author: Steve Kraushaar
Description: Level takes place in a sewer-like environment. Dark and dingy (pronounced DIN-GEE) walkways and rooms provide plenty of places where the enemies lie in wait. Huge level! Takes an average player about 1 hour to play! Check out the unique ideas and watch for textures that are slightly different or out of alignment with the ones next to them. Some times they hold secret rooms, sometimes they're just there to throw you off track.
Credits: Zerius Development and all those who aided in the development of DCK 3.61, The people of ID Software and all associated developers for a great game! All the people who play-tested the level and advised me to upload this level. Hope you enjoy it as much as they did!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK - Doom Construction Kit ver. 3.61
Bugs: None of which I'm aware. If you find any, let me know.
Rating: (5 votes)
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awesome mapx
This is dated August 1996. It's an expansive sewer map (the slime doesn't hurt) with 338 monsters. It's undeniably clever and well-designed - one of the few sewer levels that feels like more than a maze with green floors - but I found the gameplay often irritatingly puzzly, especially near the start. It's easy-peasy once you get the plasma gun / rocket launcher. There's a nice surprise transition to the final battle, although the battle itself is a bit limp.x
Don't say wrong things. Maybe at the beginning till you get the chaingun left in a room (not dropped by a chaingunner) you have to fight 2-3 chaingunners with a pistol but it's not that hard. Well,. still it's quite hard and challenging but logically hard and the layout is great. A great WAD I think! 4/5 - Optimusx
grait!.. if you like fhigting 20 chaingunners with a pistol 1/5x

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