Title: Fastest Shovels #1
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/shovel-1.zip
Size: 544.86 KB
Date: 11/21/22
Author: The Shovelware Society
Description: A speedmapping excersice made by the people on Shovelware Society discord server where the main gimmick is to make a map using a old time editor of the old days such as DEU 2 or DeePSea, mixed with modern ones where needed. Adding to the said challenge, a time limit of 6 hours and 4 themes to choose from are used, as well as a new graphic patch that uses the Doom textures and few more new stuff.

A list of maps with author descriptions and other info is at the bottom.
Credits: Shovelware Society for participating in this challenge. Walter Confalonieri \ Confetti for leading this project. PUEBLO.WAD, XENO11.GIF and a unknown source for the skies graphics. Team TNT for the GLASSx textures. 1_ON_1.WAD for the starry sky used as intermission screen. Google for some images used.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: DeeP 8.86, DeePSea, WadAuthor, DEU2 6.66, EdMap, Slade3 Doom Builder X 2019.1, Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: none that i'm aware of.
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