Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/shrthard.zip
Size: 118.11 KB
Date: 04/30/97
Author: Malcolm Sailor
Credits: Patrick Martin for testing and constructive criticism. Check out his "Blakgate.wad" It kicks ass.

Ben Morris for dck3.61 It kicks ass! I designed two maps in one week that together total over 500 sectors, all thanks to his editor.

All the good wads I ever played for giving me inspiration. (Especially those mentioned above.)

John Bye for boosting my ego a little and letting me into the Black Star Coven. Check out the homepage at the top (or close). Mail john and become a beta tester and you get to play a bunch of mine and Many other Top-Quality wad designers before anyone else. Also, play johns cygnusiv.zip. He's at jb54@le.ac.uk

Sverre Andre Kvernmo for designing the best levels ever (cabal and others, some in the master levels). He's also a pretty cool guy. "Eternal Doom II just ain't the same without him." Be sure to mail him (if you play his levels) and tell him how good a level designer he is.

My dad for fixing (and breaking) the computer. And testing my levels on skill 3.

Whoever made Zennode.

And a big Thank-You-Very-Fucking-Much to anyone who emailed me and told me my wads kick ass (actually, no ones ever mailed me to tell me other wise, so play this wad and agree and mail me.) It pisses me off to see all those mid-quality wads (which will remain nameless, except for Raven.wad. Dumb Fucker's now at Id, and his stuff is _UGH_). get so much attention cause of their distribution. Me and a million others, such as Patrick Martin or Michael Krause or others (These guys get mentioned cause they're cool) are much better level designers... Oh well..,

Also thanks to those who tested this wad... I definitely got some good criticism that made this wad better.
Base: An alienated and psychopathic weirdo.
Build time: Over the past month for Barongat and Center. Quikisgd was first completed a while ago and I thought it was a good map so I may as well add it in here.
Editor(s) used: Dck 3.61, by far the very best editor. Try it, it kicks deu's (and all the others) ass. Read the docs.
Bugs: Possibly, if you find any, email me, please!
Rating: (4 votes)
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Hello, QUIKISGD.WAD is nice, but figuring that you have to shot the fire lamp to open the blue bars and get the blue key, it's too hard. x

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