Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sights.zip
Size: 174.6 KB
Date: 01/21/98
Author: Harq
Description: Level 1 - Ernst #227 - Ever wonder what a store in Hell would be like? Here's one version. Just enough sargeants to make your shop- ping experience interesting, with a few imps thrown in to slicken the floor. Don't forget the chips and beer for the beach. (You might experience a small amount of HOM in certain places due to the large amount of vertices and sectors... such is life). Level 2 - El-Bain - This vacation is not turning out well. Seems to be a new complex in the making. We don't know to much about it, just the name. But, you're there, so you might just as well take a look... Level 3 - Slime River Valley - No keys... just kill. A small hamlet in the middle of somewhere.
Credits: YOU! For playing this sucker. Grayfax for suggestions.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Off and on for awhile.
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62
Bugs: Shee-it!
Rating: (3 votes)
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