Title: This Space Intentionally Left Blank
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/silblank.zip
Size: 22.67 KB
Date: 03/11/14
Author: Sophie Kirschner
Description: More an experiment than anything else, it's a small map with intentionally strange elements.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3
Rating: (8 votes)
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I wouldn't call it strange. I would call it 90's style.x
walter confalonieri
pure, diabolical genius!x
There is one word for this: annoying. You're in cramped space with RL fighting horde of pinkies, spectors and revenants. Concept (basing map around letters) is dull and works only in very specific cases. And SPOILERS ahead, there is one gimmick. After you've collected red key and haven't found any switch activated by it you're likely to look at automap. And there it's, red linedef (in GZDooM, at least). Turns out exit was available all along, so you can finish map in 5 seconds. 2/5 for that gimmick.x
If you're into battling a bunch of spectors and lost souls armed with only a rocket launcher, then this might be for you. Level design is about as flat as it gets (i.e. Wolfenstein). This might be ok as part of a larger level, but gameplay is lacking. Watermark this one "DRAFT".x
this was the shittiest joke i have ever seenx

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