Title: Sinister Halls
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sinister.zip
Size: 71.42 KB
Date: 03/05/14
Author: Five Magics
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 Weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3
Bugs: Possible Texture Misalignments
Rating: (5 votes)
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Not bad. But you can run off the elevated walkway in first open area and make it into exit - and bypass 80% of level.x
Simple 1995-style wad. Basically not bad, but has not enough variation for it's length. Quite rectangular. Little variation in textures. Gameplay (UV) is easy with more than enough ammo. Overall: not bad, but don't expect something special, so 3/5.x
If this is the first map the author made, he has to keep mapping! With some more experience he can become really good at this! x
Very simple, often almost Wolf3D-like level construction. Lots of boring single monster encounters and other non-threatening fights. I still felt a certain satisfaction solving the level and some transitions seemed a tiny bit clever to me, but there is nothing to praise in this wad.x

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