Title: Slime
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/slime.zip
Size: 108.03 KB
Date: 02/12/01
Author: Marc A. Pullen [FANATIC] EMAIL ADDRESS marcpullen@mindspring.com WEBSITE http://www.doomworld.com/fa
Description: A singhle player level, something of a slime factory, has pretty descent design and a few neat effects.

This is one of my first half-descent levels, so it's quite rough. Still has some good elements tho.
Base: From scratch BUILD TIME I can't remember, this level is quite old EDITORS USED DOOMCad 5.1, GLBSP (no GL nodes tho), RMB KNOWN BUGS probably, as I said, this level is quite old. :)
Build time: I can't remember, this level is quite old EDITORS USED DOOMCad 5.1, GLBSP (no GL nodes tho), RMB KNOWN BUGS probably, as I said, this level is quite old. :)
Editor(s) used: DOOMCad 5.1, GLBSP (no GL nodes tho), RMB KNOWN BUGS probably, as I said, this level is quite old. :)
Bugs: probably, as I said, this level is quite old. :)
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated February 2001, although it was apparently made in 1996. It's not bad - a slimebase with 160 monsters packed into a small space. Despite being compact, the level feels meaty, with two distinct stages, with a good boss battle midway. For 1996 the detail, layout, action etc are all well up to scratch, although it has an odd obsession with teleports, and the ending doesn't make much sense, especially the giant empty inescapable pits.x

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