Title: Spell of the Archvile
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/spavile.zip
Size: 100.93 KB
Date: 02/01/07
Author: Ruba
Description: This is an awesome level for Doom2, much better than my older maps. theres no wall dots, and it looks awesome and dark. You mission is to try and find the blue key. It is guarded by 2 Archviles and you don't have much ammo. But a mixture of Shaved Gorillas, Blue Men with Guns, Kakoka Balls, a Pink Knight, a dark trooper, bald guys with rifels and little brown guys with pins in their shoulders will try and stop you from getting to the viles, along with the Barrels that explode with very very much violence. Once you steal the Key, you head back to the start and open the door, oh ohh 4 scary ghosts or ghouls will try to get you. They are scarier than Cyberdemon!
Base: New level from scratch Editor(s) used Doom Builder Known Bugs The Suicide Arachnoteron, How do I fix it?, The Program can black out with some overflow thingy, so save often.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder Known Bugs The Suicide Arachnoteron, How do I fix it?, The Program can black out with some overflow thingy, so save often.
Bugs: The Suicide Arachnoteron, How do I fix it?, The Program can black out with some overflow thingy, so save often.
Rating: (15 votes)
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