Title: Hot Spot
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/spot.zip
Size: 97.73 KB
Date: 06/01/14
Author: Gwenvael Le Bihan (subject_119)
Description: Small map made in a week :)
Credits: hm...you if you play the map
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a week
Editor(s) used: Doom builder 2, XWE
Bugs: None
Rating: (15 votes)
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Basic, short, classic and mostly straight-forward gameplay. It's an okay map, but nothing more. I'd prefer a map with more monster variety.x
Visually this map is quite nice but there are no difficulty settings and the gameplay is very easy with the only enemies being zombies, imps and pinky demons, you can breeze through it in under 10 minutesx
6-minutes wad with simple map-layout and architecture. Single themed, which is ok for a map of this size. Gameplay @ UV: no tricks, no surprises, and way, way too easy. Give it a try if you have 6 minutes spare. Overall: slightly below average, but not meh, so 3/5. BTW if one calls it 'nothing special' or 'not bad', and then give 4*, the rating system really should be revised to an upper 10. Because it doesn't work this way.x
Nothing novel in terms of gameplay but has a pleasing mixture of naturalistic and architectural environments and looks nice albeit with minor texturing inconsistencies. Only enemies are imps and former humans. Far too easy on UV: could halve the health and ammo pickups. There's only one key but this map is bigger than I had been led to expect. I completed it in 13 minutes on it including dawdling.x
not badx
too quick and too easyx
Nice short map. Nothing special but it won't disappoint you.x

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