Title: SS CASTLE Level 1 (Map 01)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/ssctl_01.zip
Size: 529.17 KB
Date: 04/07/96
Author: Massimo Protti (alias Max '96)
Description: This is the first level of SS CASTLE Saga. I hope to add other wads at this serie. I decide to create this WWII "theme" with the will to realize a complete story. So each level will be strictly linked with the previous. The story is simple; a spy (our hero) was able to introduce himself into terrible SS Riffelberg castle. His mission is a search and destroy one. He must find the absurd and crazy plans of a new genetic weapon and kill everybody inside the castle. It is necessary that nobody survives to have a reasonable escape time. The enemy are elite corp. The best soldiers of the Third Reich, particulary trained and very evil.
Credits: Creator of DOOM1 11fortko.wad
Build time: Don't ask me
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2 and 3.1
Bugs: I haven't found them
Rating: (1 vote)
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