Title: SSSH!
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sssh.zip
Size: 186.19 KB
Date: 06/12/21
Author: Albin Persson (Alper002)
Description: You are in the city at night-time. You must enter a Simple Complex in order to deactivate the ecologically damaging energy core. However, you are being watched. Don't shoot if you're in the light outdoors, or THEY will come for you! Difficulty setting determines how bad that is :)
Credits: Zan-Zan-Zawa-Veia for making the midi "MUYSHORT", which I used in the map. It was also what inspired me to start making what would become this map!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: I didn't count, whoops
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE(, Paint.net, Sekaiju)
Bugs: It is very likely that sounds will cut off each other when THEY come. Sprites may flicker too. Likelihood increases as the difficulty does.
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