Title: Steps Level
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/steps1.zip
Size: 25.78 KB
Date: 05/08/97
Author: Michael Cortorno
Description: Steps, steps, and more steps in my sixth Doom II wad Add-on. Try this for a bunch of "uphill" fun. The title says it all.
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This is dated October 1996. You fight 67 baddies on a catwalk over some lava followed by a silver techbase; the level only has four rooms, and if you run and you're a bit lucky you can reach the exit in about 45 seconds. It's really too short to form an opinion on, but what exists is unimpressive and poorly-made. The author's "Tab" levels were also wonky but generally more expansive and more fun; perhaps this was an early prototype.x

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