Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/stevjobs.zip
Size: 32.89 KB
Date: 02/19/96
Author: Alexander Stein
Description: Insanely Great? My first .WAD - a standard level replacement, with a few surprises, and my own little signature teleporter. Check your map occasionally to see what I was going for. It's short and sweet - basically, you're fighting a virus.
Credits: Raphael Quinet and the DEU team, James Knight, Colin Reed, Thomas Hart, Stas Tagios, Tony Agee, Tim Jarlock, and Jacqui and Dave Kramer...and the kind denizens of #DOOM, who took me off the ban list, and id software and Lion Entertainment. Charlie Black wishes he was on this list.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: MacDEU 5.3b9v2, MacBSP 1.2
Bugs: None...weeeell, maybe some Hall of Mirrors effect in the "keyboard" room. And the textures aren't even CLOSE to being aligned.
Rating: (6 votes)
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It'll do.x
The idea is that the automap looks like a bunch of Apple products. As usual with such levels, it resulted in a weird but kind of cool layout. The rooms are very basic and flat but the gameplay shows some teeth. Has a hard-to-survive arch-vile jump speedrun route. btw I have an iPod since 2007 and in 2015 it still works fine, I love it.x
A standard '96 level. All the same styles of it, but a creative use of the apple logo, complete with colours. (Keep in mind this is the apple logo from the 90's, and not the minimalistic black/white one they have currently.) It's not a great level, but it's a good once blow through. Not enough health or ammo.x
I love the part where you've put the Apple icon in one of the rooms.x

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