Title: Lava City Outskirts
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/swlavcit.zip
Size: 33.61 KB
Date: 06/02/01
Author: S. 'Metabolist' Woodman
Description: Made shortly after the first Doom Speedmapping entries were released, this is sort of a practice map for making one in an hour. It took me a little less than an hour and a half. ;-) It's tiny, but fun. Extreme violence never hurt anyone yet, chaps! :-)))
Build time: 86 minutes
Editor(s) used: DeePSea 10.78
Bugs: none
Rating: (1 vote)
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Pretty good for something done in 86 minutes. That's less time than it takes to watch The Giant Spider Invasion, or Scary Movie 4. The level is small, just two buildings and a lava courtyard, with a moody ambience. The buildings are well-made and there's a little bridge. It's a semi-slaughter map, packed with 26 mostly tough monsters, but you get lots of rockets, and there is one good place to stand and fight. It's a three-minute blast.x

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