Title: Toxic Waste Dump
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/swmort05.zip
Size: 97.92 KB
Date: 11/29/03
Author: Metabolist
Description: The next instalment in the ongoing saga. It's small but it's detailed and difficult. The layout in parts is a bit cramped, because of the VPO-blocking walls.
Build time: two weeks
Editor(s) used: DETH 4.24, BSP 5.0
Bugs: Minor HOMs.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Awesome. The monster placement, layout and detail were all superb. Why haven't you made any more? :Px
I vote 4 stars for the whole series. One star is missing because of the fact that the wads are too short. And it's also too much easy: too many ammos (ennemis have their own ones...), too many life. But... The architecture is very fine, and the gameplay is good. -Jivex
It looks somewhat like slayer, but plays much worse unfortunately, too dense enemy placement and no weapon variation. 3 stars. swmort04 is the best of the series so far. - Erikx
I love shotgun :D 4/5 -GodCellsx
Looks very nice, but gameplay-wise isn't anything too exciting. Far too much reliance on the shotguns. Still not bad though 4/5x

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