Title: Tenacity
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tenacity.zip
Size: 270.85 KB
Date: 01/01/03
Author: François Coppex (Helioth)
Description: The name of the level simply comes from the fact that you will have to be very tough to finish such a huge and complex level. I included a demo of myself finishing the level in ultra-violence mode. This level is designeg for running with a PCI Pentium faster than 66Mhz. It will be too slow on every 486 computer. No BFG9000
Credits: ID Software, Brendon J Wyber, Raphaël Quinet, Colin Reed, Stephen Renton.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Approximately 40 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU2 5.21, DEEP 6.11, BSP 1.2x, NWT 1.2
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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i thought this map was great with iddt x2, the second half of the map is way betterx
Starts very well, indeed the maze spoils the fun, yet if you manage going through it (and you need to find two keys inside the maze! :P) it's awesome later. I will give it 4.5/5 - Optimusx
Awful. Starts off with some tunnels, and then it turns into a cramped, darkened maze filled with spectres and a random teleport that sends you back to the start. All the time a monster sound effect plays that makes it sound as if you are in the belly of a Mancubus. After five minutes of wandering around in a dark maze, punching things, I couldn't be bothered with it. Perhaps the second half is beyond brilliant, but no-one will ever see it.x

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