Title: THE WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/the-wad.zip
Size: 53.79 KB
Date: 06/22/95
Author: Frank Lofaro
Description: Well, what kind of description can I give? Just try the damn thing.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2
Bugs: None. But let me know...
Rating: (4 votes)
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Extremely basic gameplay, I never encountered more than 2 monsters at a time. Some of the rooms have a bit artistic design, not much interest outside of that.x
I liked itx
exlint! i can use this WAD to wipe myself with when i run out of tp! x
The first level is just a lot of square and angular rooms, and is less entertaining than a large arena filled with monsters. The second level is the same but with eight monsters scattered about, and there's a door I couldn't open because I am not willing to spend more than the absolute minimum of time playing this rubbish ancient levels. Zero stars for being tedious and wasting my time, and actually fuelling my depression. Yesterday I washed my feet, and it was more entertaining than this.x

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