Title: The Lost WAD #6 (12\97)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tlw_6.zip
Size: 375.33 KB
Date: 12/23/97
Author: Jeromy John Visser
Description: The Original Lost WAD floppy disc was dusty. It had inches of dust on it. So, I decided to re-vamp the original, and make it up to date. Well, nevertheless, this is NOT The Lost WAD #1! This level's is based on the first. This is about three times bigger with better traps. I'd ask anyone who plays this to download the original and check out the two side by side.
Credits: Tranquil Lament Software for free promotion of this and previous WADs. id Software for the games I lost my conventional job for!
Base: A new level from scratch.
Build time: Just two weeks!
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83, Wintex 3.4, Mustool, Wad Author & RMB!
Bugs: None! I wouldn't release it if it had any!
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is from ten years ago, although it's presumably slightly older. Starts poorly, and I dock a point for using the Aliens door sound, and another point for the silenced pistol sound, and the other sounds. We don't need to hear the zombiemen scream OOAAH! when they die, over and over again. I'm in a bad mood now. To be fair the level isn't awful, it's just very square, mazey, and forgettable. I stumbled on the exit by accident and felt no desire to backtrack.x
Pretty good.x
This short map is very avarage, both in gameplay and layout. It's not ugly but not beautiful either, just the common mixture of bricks, wood and some metal. Gameplay is ok, but not hard. Well, avarage, you know... (Oh, and you should take the yellow door before you enter the teleporter, because there's no way back to it.) 2/5 -Milianx

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