Title: < Toms Road >
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tomsroad.zip
Size: 2.17 MB
Date: 08/08/04
Author: Toms Gailitis
Description: Fun gameplay. And rather detalized levels.
Credits: idsoftware all wad builders out there, me
Base: What does this mean ?
Build time: A year I think, I didn't have much time, so...
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor - allmost all the time, Wintex, Doombuilder - Downloaded it too late.
Bugs: No
Rating: (8 votes)
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Getsu Fune
weird sprites, some odd new sounds, just all around chaotic mapset. I couldn't bear to like this.x
I like the the early maps as I can describe them. From map03 and onwards, it's still cool, but some of them I cannot describe. The map transition look fades in some parts. My custom monsters combo did lot very extremely impassable, if not deadly. I like how in the beginning, all of my custom monsters were hell bent to shoot up my wee little cabin. It was hell (died of course)! Anyways, I am sure that they are good maps that deserved 4+ stars. ~3/5 for being overall goodx
Lots of fun. Levels are quite well designed (altough with sometimes _very_ bare parts) and varied. They weren't well thought, don't expect fancy traps and stuff, textures sometimes suck, but there's plenty of cool places and fights (despite ammo overload, this is almost one big armory). My favourite is last map, fortress with many high towers - good place to setup zoom in zdoom and sniping. Oh yes, and two more goodies - AK47 and lots of beer. 4/5 -- Brun Ohnx

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