Title: Tora Bora
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/torabora.zip
Size: 41.83 KB
Date: 04/19/20
Author: Miss Melee
Description: This map is a single-level PWAD for Doom II. It is vanilla compatible. I did not design it with vertical mouselook/jumping/crouching in mind but if you want to play it with any of those that's fine, but if you break the map it's not my fault!

You are Doom Dude, Doomguy's lesser-known second cousin who gets mistaken a lot for him in airports, much to your chagrin. You have learned of a small base hidden in a mountain valley that was infested by demons from heck. Heavy rains prevented you infiltrating the base before the heck demons took it over. Now that the rains have subsided, you are dropped into a small valley, the base on all sides. You have two objectives: 1. close the heck portal, and 2. activate the base's self-destruct switch to collapse the mountain on top of the heck portal, sealing it for good. But beware: the demons of heck are everywhere.
Base: hidden in a mountain valley that was infested by demons from heck. Heavy rains prevented you infiltrating the base before the heck demons took it over. Now that the rains have subsided, you are dropped into a small valley, the base on all sides. You have two objectives: 1. close the heck portal, and 2. activate the base's self-destruct switch to collapse the mountain on top of the heck portal, sealing it for good. But beware: the demons of heck are everywhere.
Build time: 5 days, 1-3 hours per day
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
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