Title: Trippy Skrill
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/trippys.zip
Size: 80.91 KB
Date: 11/19/06
Author: Erik Lindahl
Description: A Single Singleplayer or Coop Level. ive made lots other levels but i felt that feedback on rhis one would be nice.
Base: New level from scratch Editor(s) used Doom Builder 1.68 Known Bugs None Build Time Probably about 3 weeks... i mapp like 5 mins a day or less :P
Build time: Probably about 3 weeks... i mapp like 5 mins a day or less :P
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68 Known Bugs None Build Time Probably about 3 weeks... i mapp like 5 mins a day or less :P
Bugs: None Build Time Probably about 3 weeks... i mapp like 5 mins a day or less :P
Rating: (5 votes)
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The first comment pretty much sums it up; an old fashioned (but not old) wad that plays in a mediocre way. I don't mind a level that looks kind of choppy or simplistic, but this one plays badly due to the layout and monster placement. And that place where you jump down giant steps is indeed lame, as it kills the game if you don't use mouselook. [1/5] ~Chain Mailx
"I made the FIRST PLAYER MADE doom wad" - no you did not, you silly man. The first player made wad was created by an Australian university employee called Jeffrey Bird. It's in the archive as "Origwad", id=11. Unless he has gone senile in his old age I doubt that you are him. If you are him, crikey mate, you've let yourself go.x
I love old school, havent been played in 12 year maps. Why the hate with these kind of Wads? I made the FIRST PLAYER MADE doom wad... Give this Wads a break!x
This is essentially a 1994 map that was made this year, this month, in November 2006. It's not a funny novelty level or an old-school tribute, it's just an old-fashioned map that's twelve years out of date. Lots of bare square rooms linked together with L-shaped corridors. The textures are competently done but the level is inconsequential. It has a horrible staircase that makes you shoot down onto monsters below you, which is a chore even with GZDoom.x

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