Title: Tritium Refinery
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tritium.zip
Size: 160.5 KB
Date: 09/19/16
Author: Subucnameth
Description: Two Vanilla-compatible techbase levels for Doom 2. Two new midis by me are included.
Credits: The creators of Doom and the editors used.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, midi2mus 2.04, Slade, Sibelius 7.1.3
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is a Doom 2 WAD with brick textures theme and lots of detail, but the architecture is very blocky and it feels more like Wolfenstein. The action is near constant, but the monster placement feels random at times. It's pretty much okay, but nothing more. The music is silly. MAP02 tune sounds like X-Files theme on shrooms. MAP01 like something from Transport Tycoon.x
Texturing is careful but sterile and monotonous, just like the music. The fights are generally pretty much one-dimensional and often you don't even have to try to provoke infightings: they will happen anyway. Probably would have been considered nice 10 years ago, during the Simplicity craze.x

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