Title: UAC Budget Cuts (v1.4)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/uac_bucu.zip
Size: 57.79 KB
Date: 08/27/14
Author: Tuxlar
Description: A vanilla map built to a tight 'minimalist' set of design rules. Basically, rectangle-based, limited- space, grid-aligned layouts only. Emphasis is on gameplay, despite constraints. UV difficulty is a bit tight. See thread for constraint details.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~4 days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: I patch any I find
Rating: (8 votes)
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Extremely plain visuals and stupid gameplay with hordes of monsters crammed in claustrophobic areas. I give it 1 star because it at least resembles an actual level.x
Stupid AWFUL wadx
Okay, well playing map, and a nice implementation of the minimalist concept. Aside from the concept though, it's not intriguing that much. I'd give 3.5/5, voted 4. You have good ideas for creating gameplay.x
Though the "theme" is minimlist it could've at least deserved a better texturing, the grey and brown brick textures next to another looks kind of bad, I also think giving very short ammo with so many arch-viles is a bad idea and I doubt the map is even possible in max @UV. Don't hesitate to train your texturing skills it's also a part of the map. Try not to have a number of ennemies too random, a baron resurected 3 times in a row is lame and eats many ammo, if you really want AV put them on some heightsx
Technically ok, but extremely cramped mostly rectangular maze-style level with a lot of moving walls. Look-and-feel is a bit like E2M7. Gameplay @ UV mainly consists of hordes enemies in the corridors, fight variation is near zero. IOW: imho it has almost no additional value. Overall, as I lost my interest after 10 minutes of trying: 1 + 1 for the efford. BTW @ Tuxlar: I know you aim to please, but a review is worthless when it is not based on the true impression of the reviewer. Note it's not personal.x

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