Title: The Hidden Warehouse
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/warehse.zip
Size: 71.95 KB
Date: 07/26/08
Author: Joe Kaminski
Description: One day you hear of an evil force that has taken up residence in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the ocean. It is rumored that the heart of this very place is the entrance to Hell itself! Locals tell of many would be heroes that entered that forsaken place and never returned. You doubt their theory and go ahead and accept this suicide mission little knowing of the perils ahead!
Credits: none
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, BSP 1.2
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Ugly. 1/5x
I tried to play this, but couldn't really get into it. The layout was a bit meh at best. I'll give it a 2 for effort.-Candle Mx
This is from 1996. The author specialised in mundane locations. His email address suggests that there were 34 other people called "super_shotgun" on Yahoo; obviously an unimaginative lot. The level itself is an unremarkable warehouse map, with right-angled mazey corridors and - yes - crates. It's sins include crush traps, unmarked secret doors, slime mazes, loads of health and ammo, uniformly close-range fights. I wasn't a fan.x
meh. it's alright. There's one hall of mirrors though. The Room with the teleport that gets you to the blue key, it's outer walls have hom. Just lettin ya know.x

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