Title: Water Flood from Hell & Gorilla Gore II
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/waterfld.zip
Size: 113.61 KB
Date: 08/06/95
Author: Michael Lundy
Description: Two new levels for DOOM II
Credits: Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6
OSCS for NeoPaint 2.2
Raphael Quinet for DEU 5.21
The Innocent Crew for the Handrail texture
Microsoft for the text editor
A bunch of hippies for the computer Life in general
Base: New WAD from scratch
Build time: 2-3 weeks.
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.0.11, ADE2 5.25, DEU 5.21, DeuTex 3.6, NeoPaint 2.2, MS-DOS editor.
Bugs: None. 99.9% perfect texture alignment
Rating: (5 votes)
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It may not be the prettiest wad out there, but it certainly gets the job done. Very enjoyable while it lasted, my only complaint was that some of the hallways were very narrow.x
Map01 is solid, playable stuff with a well-executed underwater section (really just a watery overhead texture with some crates on the ceiling, and darkness, but it works) and some nice handrails. Would have wowed 'em in 1995, although it's dull nowadays. MAp02 is a Doom2 upgrade of an original map that wasn't all that hard anyway. Some of the monsters are different but it's otherwise much the same.x

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