Title: Wetlands
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/wetlands.zip
Size: 13.85 KB
Date: 08/17/99
Author: Squonkamatic for the People!!
Description: Mulder "Are there any swamps or bogs in the area? The Undead are often said to be drawn to their aura of gloom and decay."
Sherrif Lucious P. Squonkwell: "Well we used to have swamps, 'ceptin the EPA came around and made us take to callin' them 'wetlands'."
Base: 6pack-04.WAD by Tom Sanner
Build time: a couple hours [and a previous version that crashed]
Editor(s) used: WADenizer 2.0, HellMaker 1.2
Bugs: notta
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is a very simple level from August 1998. In fact it must surely be a deathmatch level - it's just one outdoors room with a hut. It has a spawn shooter, and judging by the readme you're supposed to fight until you drop; if you play it normally you can finish in less than fifteen seconds by running to the end and killing John Romero. Wouldn't it be ironic if someone killed John Romero in real life?x
Meh,. +1 bonus for the mulder reference (the why I downloaded this WAD). From which episode was that? I think,.. millenium? No.. Three of a Kind? No? I don't remember. 1/5 + 1 = 2/5 - Optimusx
Too easy. It ended with a poorly-hidden Icon of Sin.x

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