Title: Windsor.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/windsor.zip
Size: 121.62 KB
Date: 01/03/98
Author: Angel Leblanc
Description: You are the good guy. There are some bad guys. Get the bad guys. Stay alive. You're done.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks and some change
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor v1.30
Bugs: possilble visiplane overflows
Rating: (3 votes)
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it was funx
It's fun. It's simple. I like it. 4 outta 5. x
This is dated January 1998. I admire the clarity of the author's readme. It was his only level, which is a shame because it's not bad. It's a hellish town-style map, with some real-world details that are old-fashioned nowadays (the overturned truck and parking garage are reminiscent of UAC_DEAD). The gameplay is nothing special, and you get loads of ammo and health, but there are lots of baddies and it's fun. Shame about the obtuse red key secret though.x

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